by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
Regular Maintenance is the Key Inspecting your home on a regular basis and following good maintenance practices are the best way to protect your investment in your home. Whether you take care of a few tasks at a time or several all at once, it is important to get into...
by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
A beautiful open house is easy to achieve using this handy checklist. This can’t be overemphasized. A cluttered home is a turnoff to most buyers. It’s also potentially dangerous: you don’t want people to be injured as they try to navigate in your junk. Remember, it’s...
by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
When the potential sale of your home rests on a home inspection, you want to ensure you have done everything possible to make sure your home passes the inspection. Here is a link to Home Inspection Checklist from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) that...
by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
A pre-listing home inspection can detect previously unknown problems or potential upgrades that you may wish to address prior to selling your home. Being aware of issues in advanced will also allow for disclosure of problems when selling your home, which can result...
by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
How To Price Your Home The single most important factor to consider when selling a house is the home price tag: how much your house is worth. You don’t want to overprice the house because you will lose the freshness of the home’s appeal after the first two to three...
by Kal Pandher | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog, Sellers
How can I find out how much my house is worth? There are no comparable homes in my area. This may be a bad sign for you, especially if you think your house is worth more than other houses in your neighborhood. Homes maintain their value better if the neighboring...